Sunday, April 3, 2011
A Week of PR Professionals..
Monday, March 14, 2011
LinkedIn Guru; Katie Felten
She first explained all the different ways we are able to transform LinkedIn from a simple template and throw some personal twist into it. An example of this is when one has a website that is linked to their LinkedIn. Instead of having the bland "my website" she showed us how we are able to personalize this section and instead have our website link say "Sydney's Website" or "check out my website". Another little twist of personalization that she showed our class was with the searchable words in our headliner. By putting words that we are able to be searched by, Katie explained that we are more likely to be found on LinkedIn and therefore the greater possibility of getting recruited for a job.
Katie told my class a time where just being a part of different groups on LinkedIn has landed her very important clients. She said that by connecting with organizations or individuals on a personal level because of their interests is a great way to get to know the "real" person behind the LinkedIn and ultimately creating a personal and professional bridge.
As a promoter and strategist for MKELIVE365, Katie is very well known PR professional in the Greater Milwaukee Area. She extended her knowledge of not only LinkedIn and how it can professionally advance an individual, but just in the short amount of listening to Katie I was able to establish that she has a passion for not only social media but for her job as a whole. Since listening to Katie in my classroom, I have started following her on her twitter and find most her tweets to be quite interesting, entertaining, and informative. Because of her love and drive that she has for the PR field, Katie has inspired me to reach for the stars and start networking with the big wigs- one connection at a time!
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
The Big Girl World

Thursday, February 10, 2011
Hello Bloggers!

The name is Sydney Kuspa. Yes, my first name is conveniently spelled the same as the beloved city in Australia. I am a Public Relations major at the University of Wisconsin- Whitewater, and extremely proud to say that I only have a few daunting classes left before I get to emerge myself into the “big girl world”. I aspire to work as an event and entertainment coordinator with a major company that I think a few of you may have heard of, the home of Mickey Mouse, the Disney Company.
Why am I choosing to blog?
After long deliberation- I have decided that blogging is not only a necessity in today's culture that is captivating social media but also because I was never able to keep a diary and maybe because this is in the land of Facebook and Twitter, my attention span of a nat will possibly grow.
What am I all about?
Well. I have hated eggs practically all my life.. I despise the little suckers with a passion but in the past year I have found that omelets are a delightful way to start off the day- with a heavy dose of cheese, bacon, green peppers, tomatoes, and mushrooms. I am also a exercise fanatic, but let’s set the record straight- I am not too keen on running. I prefer taking a jog here or there or even taking an hour stress relieving session on the elliptical, but the word “run” rarely even enters leaves my mouth. I believe in Karma more than anything in this world. The saying of “goes around comes around” has definitely went around me a time or two.
Although you only know about what I like in my omelet, my lack of running, and my firm belief in karma- I would have to say there is way more to my life that I must share. But in order for you to tap into my creative juices and understand my sarcasm, you have to be UNLIKE me. You have to have more than an attention span of a nat- so stay tuned.